Put Dental Insurance Benefits To Use!

2016byebeachsignHave you been planning on coming in for headache relief? Excited about our TruDenta system? Need a general or cosmetic dentistry service for your smile? If you have been thinking about it but keep following the thought up with, “I’ll do it tomorrow,” it might be time to act fast! If you are someone who receives dental care with the use of dental insurance, we suggest you take some of our advice to heart and call us.

If You Use Insurance

Are you just now realizing that 2016 is nearly over and you have dental insurance benefits that you have not made use of? Remember that your plan may or may not end (and start over) when we change over from 2016 to 2017. Now is certainly the time to find out (by setting aside time to call your dental insurance carrier). It will give you improved insight into what you can expect regarding coverage, the life of your benefits, and more.

We Are Here For You

Did you just realize that your dental insurance for 2016 is, in fact, about to come to an end and you need to schedule time to see us? Are you upset that you made it through 2016 without scheduling adequate care for yourself but you need financing options to make care fit within your budget? These are obstacles we can help you with! Call us immediately, so we can answer your questions about payments, set you up with any necessary financing, and get you into our practice during a time that works for you.

Plan Your Visit

Looking for a dentist you can trust? Give us a call today to experience everything Healthy Smiles Family Dentistry has to offer.