When you think about how to deal with your headaches, should you think about talking to your dentist? At an appointment, you can learn if your discomfort is actually linked to problems with poor jaw movement and health. If so, it can be beneficial to arrange treatment to address issues with TMJ disorder. At our Houston, TX dental practice, we can discuss the benefits to beginning work to correct problems with your jaw alignment and movement. Through this work, we can ease the tension that has caused you to experience bite pain and stiffness as well as headaches, neck and shoulder pain, and more! Through the use of TruDenta, we can actually pinpoint certain imbalances in your jaw movement that should be corrected in order to improve your quality of life.
Did You Know? Problems With Your Bite Function Can Cause Headaches
The quality of your oral health can affect your overall quality of life in ways that may surprise you. One issue to watch out for is the onset of chronic headaches, which can occur when you develop TMJ problems. These problems develop for different reasons. Simply put, whenever your jaw is no longer in the right alignment, tension on your joints and muscles can negatively impact you. In addition to experiencing headaches from the tension, you can struggle because of limited jaw movement, teeth grinding, neck and shoulder pain, and more!
Using TruDenta To Identify The Bite Difficulties That Lead To Tension And Pain
One reason why people experience painful TMJ problems is that they develop a flawed bite that causes them to develop poor joint alignment. With TruDenta, we can spot areas of poor occlusion. In other words, we have technology that can tell us how uneven movements are impacting your quality of life. Once we recognize the problem, we can discuss the right approach to care based on your current needs.
Keeping Up With Your Regular Dental Exams And Cleanings
With regular dental exams and cleanings, you can stay informed about your oral health. While this does mean that you will receive regular updates about cavities and gum disease, these visits also provide us with opportunities to discuss TMJ disorder, teeth grinding, and many other problems that can impact your quality of life when not properly resolved.
Talk To Your Houston, TX Dentist About Oral Health Care And Headache Relief!
Through the right treatment for TMJ problems, we can offer welcome headache relief and improve your quality of life! If you want to learn more about how we can address this issue, or if there is any other oral health concern that you wish to discuss, please contact your Houston, TX, dentist, Dr. Vlachakis, by calling 281-974-4494.