Breaking a tooth can be a terrible feeling, but when you know where to turn, it makes things a little bit easier. If you have recently experienced damage to one or more of your natural teeth, then it is time to call your dentist to discuss what has happened. They have the tools and training that you need to find a pathway forward, including fillings, crowns, and dental bridges. Restoring your smile starts with an examination, so this is your call to action.
At Healthy Smiles Family Dentistry in Houston, TX, we help people to renew their smiles after cracking or breaking a tooth. Even minor damage can lead to some serious problems if ignored, so it is important to meet with a trained, trusted dentist and talk about your next steps. While you wait, bacteria could be making your tooth their new home, which can risk your tooth and your overall health. To schedule an appointment for an exam after breaking a tooth, call our office today.
A Broken Tooth Puts Your Smile At Risk
When you crack or break a tooth, you do not want to wait to speak with your dentist. This is because your enamel plays an important role in keeping your smile safe from bacterial infection. When this material becomes compromised due to damage or tooth decay, it can allow bacterial growth to start making its way to the soft, fleshy interior called pulp.
Bacterial infection within your tooth can lead to a seriously painful toothache. When this is ignored, it can risk not only the affected tooth, but also your overall health, as bacteria can spread into the bone tissue of the jaw. If you have started to notice pain or discomfort in the area of your broken tooth, it could be a sign that infection has set in. At that point, you are past due for an examination.
Renewing Your Smile With A Dental Crown
Our team understands that injuries do happen, and we also know the value of speaking with a dentist about restoration after one occurs. If an infection has started to develop within your damaged tooth, they may recommend you to an endodontist for a root canal treatment procedure. Take their suggestion to heart and schedule your appointment.
After a root canal treatment, a dental crown caps things off. Be sure to ask about your options in dental crown material, as there are some that blend in with the shade of your natural enamel!
Call Your Dentist Today!
If you are ready to restore your smile after a break or a crack, talk to our team about your next steps. To find out more about our services, call your dentist at Healthy Smiles in Houston, TX, at (281) 974-4494.