With dental implants, we help replace missing teeth and restore function and health to your smile. In addition, we want to complete them with restorations that look natural and provide a dependable chewing surface. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX, dentist will look at how we create a natural-looking restoration. […]
Month: January 2021
Does Your Smile Need Dentures?
When you have lost a tooth, then we may help with an individual dental implant or a dental bridge. But what if you have lost several teeth, or possibly the majority of them? To prevent serious complications for your smile, then your Houston, TX, dentist may suggest creating a set of either full or partial […]
A Bridge For Your Lost Teeth
We could lose teeth for a number of reasons, but no matter the cause, the gaps in our smiles could means serious trouble. To offer a solution for minor tooth loss, your Houston, TX, dentist may suggest a custom-made dental bridge. In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about the difference between our crown-secured and […]
How Does A Crown Restore A Tooth?
When a tooth becomes infected, or is cracked or chipped, then a filling may not be enough to restore your smile. To help return smiles to full function, health, and beauty once more, our team can create a custom crown. In today’s blog, your Houston, TX, dentist discusses the benefits of a dental crown for […]