If your tooth is aching, or you are worried about signs of gum disease, you can easily see the value in meeting with your dentist to discuss these concerns. However, for a problem like chronic headaches, you may not consider the role dental care might play in helping you recover. Our Houston, TX dentist’s office can actually help patients struggling with headaches and other facial pains, as these discomforts are often linked to oral health issues. You may be having trouble with headaches because of a problem with your jaw movement, or due to an issue affecting the joints or muscles. TruDenta gives us a nonsurgical means of searching for the cause of your headaches, which can lead to therapy to eliminate them. We can also help you deal with any dental issues, like habitual teeth grinding or a tooth injury, that led to changes in the health or movement of your jaw.
The Connections Between Headaches And Dental Health
How do dental problems trigger headaches? Problems with your jaw joints or jaw movement create problems for your trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for sensations in your head, face, and neck. Unresolved tension from teeth grinding, trouble with your jaw alignment, or issues affecting your facial muscles can all lead to headaches that make your daily life difficult to navigate. Until you discuss the oral health connection to your headaches, you can find it difficult to move past them.
TruDenta Helps Us Find The Reason For Your Headaches
TruDenta helps us understand what is happening to trigger a person’s headaches. Through this technology, we can closely study the movements of your jaw and facial muscles to find areas of concern. When we understand how your jaw movement affects you, we can recommend beneficial changes to ease tension on your joints and muscles. As you adjust to these changes, the stress that produces headaches is lessened, putting these problems behind you.
Dental Treatment Can Improve Your Bite Function
It may be necessary to address certain oral health issues in order to help you move past your TMJ problems. Restoring a flawed or damaged tooth with a dental crown will allow you to bite and chew in a way that feels natural, and therefore more comfortable. It may also be necessary to address a persistent teeth grinding issue with a night guard. When worn, it will keep your teeth apart so that you no longer clench them as you rest.
Our Houston, TX Dentist’s Office Can Help You Deal With Headache Issues
At our Houston, TX dentist’s office, patients who struggle with headaches can talk with us about possible treatment options. Thanks to technology like TruDenta, we can use nonsurgical treatment to help you put this problem behind you! Find out more about our services by calling Healthy Smiles Family Dentistry at (281) 974-4494.