Of course, when you’re someone for whom regular headaches have become a normal part of your life, the thought of headache relief is never far off. However, you may find that as much as you need it, you have somewhat of a hard time convincing yourself to actually schedule an appointment with us, set up […]
Month: November 2017
Clenching Your Jaw Can Cause You To Suffer Chronic Headaches
Many people may not realize they are clenching their jaw at night, but there symptoms that you can watch out for. People who are struggling with this problem, which is often referred to as bruxism, can awaken to sore teeth, and sensitivity in their face and jaw. Bruxism can also cause you to experience chronic […]
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Quiz: Bite Problems And Your Headaches
When you’re upset about your headaches but you cannot seem to put your finger on the cause of your problem, it’s important to realize it might not be what you think it is. Did you know that your bite can lead to a need for headache relief? If you’re a little bit fuzzy on the […]
Holidays: Perfect Motivation To Replace Missing Teeth
If you don’t have a complete smile but are missing a tooth, a couple teeth, a lot of teeth, or all of your teeth, the holidays offer exceptional motivation to finally do something about it. Why now, you wonder? What’s so special about Thanksgiving and everything that follows that’s going to provide that spark of […]
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Affording Headache Relief In 2017
There are many factors that go into affording the care you need for your smile and if you require headache relief. Since you’re distracted by chronic pain, it can be easy to overlook the date and forget all about your dental insurance benefits for the current year. However, it’s very important that you keep this […]