Have you noticed that ever since you had a problematic tooth removed, you have been dealing with more headaches? Perhaps you have decided that your dental extraction related headaches must mean that it’s the extraction itself that is causing some type of problem. What we encourage you to recognize is that in most instances, it’s […]
3 Times You’ll Need An Oral Appliance
You might call it an oral appliance, you may refer to it as a mouthguard, or some other type of name for a device that goes in your mouth and fits over your teeth. Whatever the case, you’ll find that there are a few common instances in which you will be required to wear a […]
Surprising Benefits Of Our Headache Relief
When the main goal of your daily life at the moment turns into discovering a way to achieve headache relief, you may start feeling like you’ll try anything. Before you assume you need a newfangled device or a super medicine, we invite you to visit our practice. With the help of an advanced diagnostic system […]
A Simple Refresher: Protecting Your Oral Health
If you’re hoping your oral health is in good condition but you don’t really know if you’re doing everything you need to in order to ensure that’s the case, we have a simple refresher for you. We know that it’s very easy to become focused on other things, while the details of dental care begin […]
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Q&A: TMJ Disorder Symptoms
If you’re new to the world of TMJ disorder (TMD) but you think this issue is not new for your mouth (perhaps you’ve been dealing with symptoms you don’t understand for quite some time) then you probably have a lot of questions. To get you started on figuring out what might be going on with […]
2 Reasons To Avoid Being Your Own Dentist
Perhaps you are someone who is suffering from headaches and you are in immediate need of headache relief. Maybe you have been dealing with TMJ disorder for quite some time and you assume that if you just use any mouthguard out there, you’ll improve the situation. Perhaps you think you can fix your bruxism by […]
Simple Changes To Limit Headaches
When you’re not yet certain what is causing your headaches but you’re headed to our practice soon for a headache relief consultation, it’s always a good idea to limit the potential causes. It’s also beneficial to avoid making your headache worse. Let’s make our way through some little tweaks to your daily life that will […]
Headache Relief: Check Out Our Website!
Are you someone who is struggling and struggling with headaches? While we know you may feel the urge to run to the drugstore to see if you can find a more powerful pain reliever, we often suggest you begin with a trip to see us, your dental team! Did you know that we offer effective […]
Jaw Pain: When It’s Not Allergies, Sinuses, Or Anything Else
Have you been trying to figure out why nothing you do seems to make your allergies or sinus pressure any better? Perhaps you don’t really even feel congested but your symptoms are all in line with reactions to pollen. If you’re dealing with headaches and discomfort, it might be time to come talk with us. […]
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Are You Using A Good Toothbrush?
Are toothbrushes inherently good or bad? Not exactly. However, choosing the right brush to keep your smile clean and safe means it’s important to select one that will help you check those boxes off of your dental hygiene list. As you can probably agree, taking the time to clean your smile only to find out […]