Have you recently been diagnosed with bruxism? Did this diagnosis come with the shocking fact that you have been experiencing it for quite a while but you had no idea? Don’t worry – this is a common tale. “But why?” you might ask yourself. Why did you go so long without recognizing you were suffering […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
Pain: It’s Your Oral Health Warning
Nobody really likes to talk about pain, particularly because it’s something nobody enjoys experiencing. However, it is important to remember that this sensation is one that generally lets your body know something isn’t quite right. When we’re talking about discomfort and your oral health, you should consider some helpful advice that will protect your smile […]
Hats Off To National Nutrition Month
Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? As this month comes to a close and we welcome April, we would like to take a quick look at how you can protect your nutritional intake by taking good care of your oral health. Surprised to learn that proper dental care can actually have an […]
Q&A: Reclaiming Your Oral Health
Have you been away from dental care for quite some time? Do you sometimes feel like it’s been such a long stretch since your last checkup and cleaning that it might not be worth making a change? When a patient expresses interest in reclaiming oral health, we always suggest scheduling a visit right away. Remember that our […]
2 Reasons You Still Have Bad Breath
Do you wake up in the morning with foul breath only to discover that after brushing and flossing … you still have bad breath? Are you avoiding the strong smelling foods that can lead to a not-so-fresh-smelling mouth (such as garlic or onions) only to find that even this attempt does not rid your mouth […]
3 Surprising Bruxism Side Effects
When you learn about the basics of bruxism disorder, you first discover that this includes the clenching of your teeth (or grinding). The problem is not something you can treat on your own because it is involuntary, meaning you are not intentionally performing this habit, so you cannot remedy the situation. Fortunately, we offer bruxism […]
3 Reasons To Treat Bruxism
Have you come to the realization that you are suffering from bruxism? Are you aware that it’s not great to grind or clench your teeth every day but you have not yet gathered the motivation to visit us for bruxism treatment? Allow us to offer up some reasons you should go ahead and get that […]
Compelling Reasons To Seek Preventive Care
How much thinking have you ever done in regard to your preventive care? Do you realize that it yields much more than a smile that looks and feels healthy? As a matter of fact, we suggest you visit us once every six months because prevention can help with everything from headache relief to avoiding problems like […]
Compelling Reasons To Address Bite Problems
Your bite – or your “occlusion” – is the way your top and bottom teeth and jaws fit together. In a perfect scenario, your bite is excellent, which means everything fits together comfortably without causing strain. When you suffer from a poor bite or “malocclusion” things don’t fit together like puzzle pieces. Unfortunately, this can […]
Address Headaches With Bruxism Treatment
Getting to the bottom of your chronic headaches can feel like a major headache of its own. Fortunately, by visiting us for a consultation, we can quickly help you identify dental disorders or problems that may be contributing to or causing your discomfort. For example, a disorder called bruxism is commonly associated with many types […]